Special Issue
Dear Participants of IS-OM8,
We are happy and proud to announce that the Special Issue IS-OM8 Optical Materials contains selected papers after the 8th International Symposium on Optical Materials (IS-OM8) held in Wroclaw June 9-14, 2019 will be publish in journal physica status solidi (b) – basic solid state physics. Under the link Call for Papers_IS-OM8 - you can find all important and useful information.
Special Issue in physica status solidi (b)
Section/Category: IS-OM8 Optical Materials
Submission Deadline: August 9, 2019
Guest Editors: Małgorzata Guzik
Joanna Cybińska
Akira Yoshikawa
Please contribute a Feature Article (topical review, for invited speakers) or Original Paper (new results) manuscript based on or related to your presentation.
The participants, who are interested to publish in this Special Issue are requested to send information at the email address:
Submission: pss (b): www.editorialmanager.com/pssb-journal